Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Buddhist Last Rites Ceremony

On Sunday I had the great honor to attend to Buddhist Last Rites Ceremony for Song's Mother. 

It is a three day event. The preparations started at 8am, the Nuns and Layman prepared the 

flowers and flags, the incense and candles. Then at 11am the Monks arrived and were served 

lunch. Then we ate, all in the room where Mother is. There were about 30 people and it was very 

hot. The Monks then prayed and gave blessings. The ceremony is to prepare the soul to be rid 

of any bad Karma, and to ensure that no evil spirit enters the body of the dying. The experience 

was a celebration as well as a goodbye. It was moving and awesome to witness. I feel so blessed 

to have been witness to this. Enjoy the photos posted below.

lotus flower petals, candles, incense
Nuns preparing for the ceremony

The Monks making mountains from sand

there will be 100 mountains, the mountains are to protect the dying from evil spirits, they act as a barrier .

all the preparations are made,  Song tends to his Mother

the family is gathered around Mother.

there are 8 monks surrounding the Mother

a praying Nun

after a blessing the Monks spray the Holy Water on the Mother and the gathered

then the lotus petals are tossed

me hanging with the Monks after the ceremony

the ride home, 3 on a bike!!!
i will be the 3rd on this bike! we laughed the whole way home

1 comment:

Grimsby Public Art Gallery said...

Very powerful, it would be an honour to be present.